
Make Your Virtual Event Engaging

Virtual events are trending right now and non-profit organizations are having a great deal of success with fundraising via this platform. Besides ensuring the safety of all your donors and participants, having a virtual event allows for more supporters to be able to participate and become involved with your organization. And if set up and structured properly, you have the potential to exceed your event’s fundraising goal by leveraging your supporters’ networks.

9 Ways to Create an Engaging Event

Every good event planner asks themselves the same question while planning their next soiree: how do you engage attendees at every touch point of your charity event and make the experience memorable? At Powered by Professionals, we practice what we preach!

Event Timelines

“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” Miles Davis was on to something when he said this. If only there was a way to manage your time effectively, especially in the world of event planning.

Interning at PBP

No matter your level of experience or your choice of careers, you should be learning from your work and co-workers every day. As an intern, your entire goal is to learn and experience firsthand the desired industry you want to enter, gaining understanding of the industry and work that goes into accomplishing tasks. While interning for Powered by Professionals, I assisted all team members with assigned tasks, with a focus on event data tracking and mailings.

Standards for Charity Accountability

Standards for Charity Accountability were developed to assist donors in making sound giving decisions and to foster public confidence in charitable organizations.  The standards seek to encourage fair and honest solicitation practices, to promote ethical conduct by charitable organizations, and to advance support of philanthropy.  The main objective of these standards is to assist a charity’s representations to the public in making sure they are accurate, complete, and respectful.  This means solicitations and informational materials need to be truthful and not misleading in any way.

Powered By Professionals