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Event Timelines

“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” Miles Davis was on to something when he said this. If only there was a way to manage your time effectively, especially in the world of event planning.

Interning at PBP

No matter your level of experience or your choice of careers, you should be learning from your work and co-workers every day. As an intern, your entire goal is to learn and experience firsthand the desired industry you want to enter, gaining understanding of the industry and work that goes into accomplishing tasks. While interning for Powered by Professionals, I assisted all team members with assigned tasks, with a focus on event data tracking and mailings.

5 Ways to Fundraise this Holiday Season

The holiday season is a great time to focus on the things in life that are truly important: family, community and giving back. Whether you work for a charity, are involved on a committee, or are just looking for ways to support an important cause, we have compiled our list of ways to making end-of-year fundraising FESTIVE and EASY.

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